This is the place to oder the BroadVision QuickSilver for SDL Trados Studio.
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Online Order
Please klick on one of the following price labels to select the license type you want to order. You will then be directed to our secure online shop driven by our distribution partner avangate.com.
Once we receive the payment confirmation from avangate, your order will be processed by us at the same or next working day. The license will be sent to you by e-Mail. Depending on your payment type and location (country) this process usually takes 2 to 4 working days.
For ordering an Express or Professional License please have the Windows Computer Name of the machine where you want to install the Visio Filter ready. Each License is bound to a specific Windows Comupter in your network. You will be asked in the order form to insert the computer name under “Additional Information”.
You can get the Windows Computer Name very easy! This short Microsoft video shows how: Identify your Windows Computer Name.
Project LicensePrice: 250 EUR License period: 1 Month (30 days). No Subscription! No automatic Renewal! The subscription runs for 30 days starting with delivery of the license file. After the subscription period ends, the license will expire automatically. The license is bound to a specific computer name. Of course you can buy a new project license at any time or an annual license as well. Order now …
Annual LicensePrice: 2.500 EUR License period: 12 months (365 days). No Subscription! No automatic Renewal! The subscription runs for 1 year (365 days) starting with delivery of the license file. After the subscription period ends, the license will expire automatically. The license is bound to a specific computer name. Of course you can buy a new annual license at any time. We will send you a reminder e-Mail one month before your annual license expires. You will save 500 EUR er year compared with buying 12 project licenses. During the license period you are entitled for all service updates and upgrades (including new major releases)!
Enterprise LicenseThe Enterprise License can be installed for an unlimited amount of SDL Trados Studio Installations within your LAN. The Enterprise License also allows the use in Windows Terminal Server, Citrix and other virtualization solutions. The subscription runs for 1 year (365 days) starting with delivery of the license file. Alternatively, shorter or longer subscription periods may be agreed. During the license period you are entitled for all service updates and upgrades (including new major releases)!
WorldServer LicenseThe QuickSilver for WorldServer runs as a local installation in WorldServer and creates XLIFF 1.2 files that can be translated in SDL Trados Studio or any other CAT tool. The license runs for 1 year (365 days) starting with delivery of the license file. Alternatively, shorter or longer subscription periods may be agreed. During the license period you are entitled for all service updates and upgrades (including new major releases).